What to teach? When to screen? How to cater for the range in ability?

This course will provide you with the structure and tools to improve the literacy outcomes of your students with weak writing skills.

About the Raising Writing Stanards Online Course

Recommended for - staff working with students that have weak writing skills or as a supplementary course for staff within Years 1 to 6.
Course presenter - Tayla Kleinschmidt (BLangLing, MSpPath, MMedRes)
Course length - 25 minutes viewing plus quiz
Access to course - 90 days
Certificate - Awarded upon completion
Supporting materials - Referenced material available for download

Raising Writing Standards

Course Description

Dictation is a time-efficient structured option and addition to literacy blocks, which facilitates progress in a  relatively short period of time. This is a short course that outlines a range of ways dictation can be delivered in the primary school years and the benefits of regular presentation. Suggestions for presenting dictation to junior, middle or upper primary students and classes with diverse ranges in ability will be explored.

At the end of my course, you will be able to:

  • Understand what is dictation and its benefits.
  • Identify appropriate passages for dictation.
  • Established guidelines for marking dictation which makes the marking time efficient.
  • Understand how to present dictation at a junior, middle, and upper primary level.
  • Support dictation and make it easier (particularly for students with delayed skills).
  • Understand how to present dictation when there is a wide range of abilities within the class.
  • Effectively implementation of PDL's 'Phonic Dictation' range (should the range be available)
  • Use support staff to facilitate dictation (should staffing allow for this)
  • Use technology to support dictation.

Who should and who shouldn't take this course?

  • The course focuses on the delivery of dictation within the primary school years. If however, teachers in the secondary sector have students operating at a primary school level, this course will be appropriate.
  • Literacy Coordinators and/or Curriculum Coordinators (looking for positive and consistent processes within schools).
  • Daycare and community care providers.
  • Student teachers and/or parents.
  • Tutors aiming to devise a program for the students they are working with.
  • Speech pathologists, educational psychologists, or occupational therapists working withing the realm of early literacy.

Interested in this training for more of your team?

We offer discounts for group sign ups. Click on the links below for more information.


Tayla Kleinschmidt

School Support Coodinator